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3 Ways to Send Large Files over the Internet

Where the internet has made it a lot easier to communicate over the internet, it is all not sunshine and rainbows as there are still a lot of hindrances that limit the possibilities of online communication prowess. I know how frustrating it can be when you have compiled the perfect document after using well research data, eye-catching pictures, and detailed graphs only to find out that the final document’s size is too large to be sent over the internet.

For instance, if you are using Gmail to send your files or documents, you can’t go past the limit of 25MBs. So, if you have got a file that is too large to be sent from your mail, worry not as I have these 3 alternatives that will come in handy for you.

Use a Cloud Storage

The most efficient way to tackle the problems related to file size is using the cloud storage facility. The cloud technology is making its mark as a vital innovation in today’s world. With the increase in data, the need for a storage system was more needed than ever. Each mail comes with its cloud storage. For example, if you have a Gmail account, you can use Google Drive to upload your files, which are larger than 25MBs. Similarly, Outlook comes with the feature of One Drive, where you can store your larger files. There are a lot of independent software like Dropbox, which lets you upload files and share them by generating a link of the file stored.

Use Online Services

There is a lot of online software that makes the job of uploading and sending large files a lot easier. For example, with the help of soda splitPDF, you can split your large PDF files into smaller files that help you overcome the size limit. However, it doesn’t mean that you lose the original integrity of your document. It also lets you compress your large files into smaller, shareable size so that it becomes easy for you to send it over the internet. These online tools are the best if you are looking to save money as they are free, unlike cloud storage software, which has a certain capacity and to unlock unlimited access, you have to pay some money.

Use a VPN

This tip is more about being secure rather than tackling the online file size limit. If you are running a business, your document might contain some confidential information that you want to make sure remains safe. A VPN ensures that you can send or receive vital information on a private network rather than a public one so that it stays safe from hackers. Most ISPs also regulate traffic by managing bandwidth. If you use a VPN, you can prevent your ISP from recognizing how large the size of your file is so you can easily transfer it. But, you might have to deal with slow transferring speed as a VPN can slow down your connection.

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