Categories: Cryptocurrency

How Bitcoin will generate profits 1,000% in 2020?

In recent years, Bitcoin has become one of the financial assets most profitable of the history. After that, in less than a decade, its value is multiplied himself several times. Going to cost practically zero during the first years after its foundation, reaching a peak around $ 20,000 in the year 2017. Therefore, the twitterer known as PlanB wonder if Bitcoin will generate profits 1,000% in 2020 in the Tweet of the day:

The profits of Bitcoin in 2020

When he examines the record of Bitcoin in the last few years, even the biggest detractors of the criptomoneda must admit that it has been a very good investment.

And is that the crypto world is littered with cases of people who bought the coin in the first few days for ridiculously low prices. Only to become multi-millionaires after the value of the same will go off.

But not only those who purchased Bitcoins during the first years have enjoyed large profits. Therefore, recent studies have shown that Bitcoin has been the financial product more cost-effective in 2020. As well as that 86% of the BTC currently in circulation, have experienced an increase in its value since its last transaction.

How Bitcoin will generate profits 1,000% in 2020? Source:

Which means that the vast majority of those who have invested in Bitcoin have seen their capital increase. Something that has been a constant in the history of BTC, because only in the last decade, the criptomoneda has lived three years with earnings above a 1,000% year-on-year. Leading to the analyst known as PlanB to wonder if in 2020 could repeat the history of 2011, 2013 and 2017.

Annual return of #Bitcoin (Oct-Dec). Do you think that we will see more years with the profitability of the 1000%+ as 2011, 2013 and 2017 or it was a growth early and have been normalized returns?“.

Despite the fact that up to now, the price of Bitcoin has stagnated at around $ 10,000 after the third Halving in its Blockchain. Most analysts predict that shortly, you will see a new bullish rally in the price of BTC. What you could do actually comment of PlanB, and lead to a return of the criptomoneda 1,000% in 2020.

Astha Singla

Astha is an experienced Content Writer and Blogger in Blockchain, Tech, Fashion and eCommerce field with a successful track record of working in Creative Content Writing, Public Relations and Growth planning.

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