
How to Get through holiday season on a budget

So once again, the holidays have come faster than a horse in the Kentucky Derby contenders. It’s the most wonderful time of the year and the smell of Christmas is in the air. The kids are playing and the fire is roaring, but for some reason you just can’t seem to get into the mood of Christmas.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Really.

In fact, every year tens of thousands of people lament about how Christmas just seems to have lost its magic. 

Whether it’s because they’ve lost a loved one or are simply worrying about finances, not getting into the Christmas mood is actually pretty normal.

While Christmas is most definitely one of the most joyful times of the year, the holidays unfortunately have become hijacked by retailers and corporations eager to make you spend. Typically, during this time of the year, one can expect to be inundated with advertisements calling on you to show your appreciation for your loved ones with a variety of expensive gifts.

These adverts typically feature a happy (and wealthy) family gifting each other with the latest gadgets and expensive clothing. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with showing your affection with pricey gifts, this often leads to us getting pressured into spending more and more each Christmas. 

Consequently, many of us end up overspending on gifts which naturally leads to us feeling depressed about our lack of control. From here on out, the entire exercise of celebrating Christmas becomes lost on us.

So in an effort to preserve the sanctity of Christmas, here’s our hand guide on how you can avoid overspending during the holiday season (again).

  1. Have a budget (and stick to it)

Before heading out to the shopping mall, always take the time to set aside a budget for your Christmas shopping. Make a list of people who you’ll be buying gifts for and allocate a set amount of money for their gifts.

From here, you’ll be ready with a plan for how you’ll be spending your money. With a budget, you can avoid making last-minute impulse purchases which end up costing your more.

  1. Do your homework

Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Poor Performance; known as the 5Ps, this is the motto of many special forces units around the world. While you’re not undertaking a black operation, you should approach your Christmas shopping with the same attitude.

For example, always check online if a particular retailer has any vouchers or coupons on offer. These can help you slash a tidy amount of the initial price which adds up on the long-term. When browsing, don’t forget to check the website; some stores offer special promotions for customers who use the store’s mobile app. 

  1. Avoid getting emotional about your spending

The holidays can be a sensitive time for many of us. Old memories surface and sometimes we can’t help feeling a little too sentimental. However, you should never get emotional when it comes to shopping. Always keep your feelings in check and remain objective about your shopping.

The holidays are a time for you to reconnect with friends and family and not a time to splurge on expensive gifts. 

  1. Consider alternative gifts

Christmas is all about the joy of giving and receiving. Sometimes, it can be more fun gifting gifts with a bit more of a creative edge. Instead of expensive electronics and designer clothing, consider gifting something homemade or even handmade.

A jar of lovingly cooked, homemade jam, gifted to friends and family can sometimes say so much more. Material gifts only bring joy for a short period of time where something made by hand and with plenty of love can create memories that last a lifetime.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and you should treasure every minute of it. We at would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. 

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