Categories: Cryptocurrency

Important investor of Tesla believes in Bitcoin

An important investor that has a presence in the electric-car company, emphasising their confidence in Bitcoin, and gives a good outlook to the criptomoneda.

After the interesting performance that has been Bitcoin in the year 2020, and despite the economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19, this investor believes undoubtedly in BTC.

The same that said that Tesla will multiply your stock x7 times for the 2024, now supports the criptomoneda.

Ensures that BTC is an asset, with the potential to be used in the current economy, in addition to having a great receptivity. Why believe in Bitcoin?

The possibilities of the criptomoneda

A major investor of Teslarecognized as the Ask Invest, believes in the qualities that implements BTC in its structure, and this stance is not so recent.

Already for 2015, Ask Invest had plans with Bitcoin. Then bought BTC to Grayscale by US$ 230 the unit.

This firm supported the emerging company of Elon Musk with his famous and massive price target of US$ 7,000 in the actions.

Likewise, trust in the possibilities offered by Bitcoin, showing more concern for the legal regulations that the financial structure of the criptomoneda.

Believes openly in the potential of the criptomoneda. As well as estimate the growth of Tesla suggests that Bitcoin will take an important part of the gold market in comparison to your appreciation today.

In conjunction with the general opinion of the Ark, one of your analysts, Yassine Elmandjra, he wrote his criteria:

“Although very small and durable, the Bitcoin is also divisible, verifiable and portable, and transferable, a range of features cash that gives him a utility higher, fueling potentially the demand and considering it suitable, if not superior, to the role of money, global digital”.

What came first, the bubble or the stability?

Is No stranger to anyone the fact that Bitcoin is constantly on the controversy for its appreciation uncontrolled, considered by many as a bubble and by others as a brilliant investment opportunity.

Unlike many, Ark Invest believes that Bitcoin will be the ideal candidate to be the first and main digital currency of the future.

“We believe that, as a competitor suitable to the first money, global digital, Bitcoin should attract a similar claim, as a minimum, to the gold”said Elmandjra.

“The complexity of Bitcoin should not impede financial institutions to analyse in depth”.

The analyst makes reference to the expulsion of Bitcoin on the part of Goldman Sachs

The important investor of Tesla, Ark Invest, believe in the possibility that Bitcoin has a better performance in the future. Source: 3D Printing Industry.

The escalation of Bitcoin

What is certain is that in the economic field, with the current events related to the pandemic, Bitcoin has been an important alternative shelter for many investors.

BTC, through the platform of the criptomonedas, has offered the community a new way never seen before in that you can trust in the worst moments.

When compared to the overall market, Bitcoin, compared to other major assets such as gold, managed to win and draw a trend that took many by surprise.

Based on this, investors such as Ark have been interested and hopeful by determining the direction that the criptomoneda will take, giving insight into their positions and confident that you will have a good future.

Do you agree with this inverter? How will Bitcoin the expected growth?

Astha Singla

Astha is an experienced Content Writer and Blogger in Blockchain, Tech, Fashion and eCommerce field with a successful track record of working in Creative Content Writing, Public Relations and Growth planning.

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