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Financial independence is the most radical Form of feminism”

Dani Parthum is as “money wife”: The economy, journalist and Economist, founded the money coaching page specifically for women. Why is this important, how are women different than men, and what is just in the current crisis, is important, she says in an Interview with

Hello Ms. Parthum, let the Interview with a cliché-loaded question: are women worse Investors than men?

No, not at all. You are not even better, because women are so rapidly on the road: men – go package higher risks mentioned. Women watch for the first time, gather Knowledge and then invest. Then you hold it in, as a rule, longer in the Investments. Therefore, the Portfolios of women are more stable and yield-oriented – since there are also some studies about it. But the hurdle to invest in fact, for women, greater.

Why is dominated by the sector of the economy still men?


Women were disenfranchised until the end of the 70s in the FRG financial: wives were only allowed to take a job if it was with their marital responsibilities, and the husband could always solve the employment contract. The first 50 years, and this monetary socialization of women is entmündigend. We get just. In entirely practical terms, women have less time: you have your Job, you have your children – studies show that 60-70 % of the household and the upbringing of children do still women. And the finances fall down then the rear.

“Women emphasize, in fact, rather the safety aspect”

Why did you set up the “money woman”?

Who takes care of its own finances, takes responsibility for themselves. This attitude was discussed in earlier decades. I would like to accompany the women then, finally, this last Part of the adult attitude to acquire, in order to lead a self-determined life. We can do only if we earn, regardless of our money and independently our assets to build on; this is the most radical Form of feminism: the financial autonomy and self-empowerment. The financial education of women but also of men – is bad and is seen as a private matter, although the state requires of us that we should self-provisioning. He does not form us but then going. I’ve noticed in my years as a business journalist, I was asked by colleagues to the most simple things, and even my wealth building have only made it by the way. I thought to myself, something must change.

You will experience a lack of interest of women in financial issues, or a large demand?

I experience a great sense of openness to the topic. There are many women really care for it – I get a lot of Coaching requests, and more and more women come to my Online Tutorials and seminars. All of the women who begin to deal with the topic, say it’ll make you fun and give you strength, because it supports you in life. Women are stronger when they have their own finances in the Hand and the feel. Therefore, the other circuits will draw.

It is an advantage to be women, instead of men?

Yes, because we women have a different biography than men. We are working more part-time, have interruptions by children, are paid less and are treated in the work-life differently than men. These are facts that I have experienced. The connects in a different way, because I can understand the problems of women immediately, much faster than a man who can not imagine, sometimes not even that women are still discriminated against in Germany.

How women behave when Creating money differently than men?

Women emphasize, in fact, rather the safety aspect and make a point. On the other hand, you want to act but also risky. In addition, women may want to keep your investment as simple and pragmatic.

Not all – but more and more women ask for sustainable investments. Many really have a Problem with that, to also invest in a broad range of ETFs, because they are business investors, on the inside of unethical work such as Apple, Nestlé, or weapons manufacturers. There are always more women, so my observation that really want to invest strictly sustainable, for others it is a mixture. Otherwise, I see no differences in investment behavior between women and men.

“Just so the money to invest, I don’t believe in”

Currently the disadvantage of women in the economy is discussed particularly, as women are particularly affected by the Corona-crisis. How can help women right now in the crisis, if you remember that you are economically poor?

If you are living with a Partner:together, it is important the money issue out in the open: That is, your retirement suffers, if you are able to in short-time work or, more generally, their autonomy or do not exercise, and how to Partner:the interior of the cushion. The worst is when women now pause all your payments for pension, insurance, or asset accumulation, because they earn no money. To prevent the only way is through negotiations with the partners:inside and common solutions, as it continues with the pension insurance and the Finance.

You should now create any money at all, if an economic crisis is on everyone’s lips?

Before the Investment to three other steps to come in the future, We need to know where our money goes and need a stable saving Rates, debt freedom and a safety buffer of about three to five month’s net salary on a money market account and only then will we invest. Just simply invest in is usually wrong, because then the washing machine breaks, or I lose my Job and then I need my reserves, but are in the form of shares, and to sell only at a loss – I have a financial Problem. So, first the foundations and then in times of crisis, invest.

Why just then?

Because many valuable the shares are cheap. What we see currently in the markets, I find that viewed from the outside, although irrational: The high stands on the DAX and international indexes are irritating and not fit to the fundamentals of many companies. Nevertheless, the share prices are, in General, in times of crisis, good, entry-level courses. In the long term, it is always good to own shares.

Then it is also independent from the sector?

Sector investments are specifically. Long-term investments should generally be scattered all over the floor, and only when a wide spread as the base is there, you can invest, if you are well versed in the sectors, some sectors. Just invest money, I don’t believe in. This is too risky, and thus economically meaningless.

Thank you for the interview

Photo By Dani Parthum @TomSalt

Saurabh Singla

Saurabh Singla is a former Mechanical Engineer turned digital marketer. He has been in the digital marketing industry for over 6 years and has worked with clients across different sectors including FanFare, BitMachina, Bayslope amongst others. Saurabh is also an Author and has written over 30 websites for his clients including INC42, Yourstory etc. After founding CaphIQ in 2020, he is helping businesses and Personalities for their Personal Branding and online visibility.

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