Categories: Business

Live, Digital Investor Pitch Nights – Fast-Track Your Business

Starting a business from scratch can be an exciting experience for a first-time entrepreneur. Developing a product or service, turning a mere concept into reality, and seeing satisfied customers support it can be extremely fulfilling.

As fun as it may be, the entrepreneurial journey also comes with its own challenges. For example, one of the first things a startup owner needs to do is to raise funds for the business.

Finding and interacting with potential investors can be particularly daunting for inexperienced entrepreneurs so some tend to skip the process and just pull money from their own savings or ask for help from friends and family members. 

Still, it remains true that new businesses enjoy certain advantages when investors back them up. Aside from providing financial support, investors can also offer some mentoring, when needed. These experts have years of experience working with various businesses and industries, that’s why their insights could prove highly valuable for those struggling to get their company running.

Connecting international businesses with global investors

Now, with advancements in technology and the rise of COVID-19 forcing us all to learn how to work in less traditional settings, using apps such as Zoom to communicate with our colleagues, a lot of businesses have moved their entire companies into the online sphere, hiring global teams that will never meet face-to-face – so with this sudden change in the world of business, many new opportunities have arisen too… 

Now, when it comes to investment, business owners and entrepreneurs no longer have to rely on networking at events to meet the right contacts face-to-face. Instead, The Farm SoHo, a coworking office and events space in New York City, is partnering with Papyrus Advisor, a Dubai-based acquisition advisory service, to invite anyone with a great idea to live digital events held via Zoom, aiming to connect entrepreneurs with the right investors.

Karim Oumran, Managing Partner at Papyrus Advisor, said that they want to find deserving companies and give them the chance to take their business to the next level – regardless of their current status.

“These startups could be smart kids who have come up with a new idea – or proven, established businesses who need investment for their growth,” he pointed out. “I want to meet these business owners, assess them, do some due diligence, and then bring in some investors who are interested in talking to them”.

Easy to apply

What is so wonderful about these live Digital Investor Pitch events, is that anyone can apply, from wherever they are in the world, through a simple 3 question survey to then be invited to the event, which will be conducted online via Zoom. During the event, each entrepreneur will be given 10 minutes to pitch their business plans to prospective investors from various parts of the globe, who have been specifically chosen by Karim to pair perfectly with the pitching applicant.

According to Karim, these backers are ready to support businesses financially and will readily help take their ideas to greater heights. “I have a network of diverse investors who are interested in making more money…” he added. ”I then connect them to extraordinary startups, companies, and special projects.”

A chance to fast-track your business!

Whether you are simply planning to start a small business in NY or already have one up and running, this event is perfect for you. So don’t waste your time and grab this amazing opportunity. 

Interested entrepreneurs can apply to be part of the event by answering the 3 questions on the survey at the end of the Investor Pitch Event blog on the official Farm SoHo website. These are investors for small business owners, for CEOs, for entrepreneurs and anyone with a great idea! More details will be revealed soon but for now, we know that these events will be held later this year. Go sign up for the pitch night soon and change your business – and life – forever! 

Saurabh Singla

Saurabh Singla is a former Mechanical Engineer turned digital marketer. He has been in the digital marketing industry for over 6 years and has worked with clients across different sectors including FanFare, BitMachina, Bayslope amongst others. Saurabh is also an Author and has written over 30 websites for his clients including INC42, Yourstory etc. After founding CaphIQ in 2020, he is helping businesses and Personalities for their Personal Branding and online visibility.

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