Categories: Blockchain

The Bitcoin comes to the cinema: Money Plane

The Bitcoin has had so many TV and movie appearances. In the US cinema is the oldest crypto-currency is now represented again. In the movie “Money Plane”. A gangster film with top-class crypto-related occupation: the Bitcoin.

An Action-Packed Casino Robbery on the canvas

Not only BTC Plane is in Money to see. The actor, Adam Copeland, Denise Richards and Kelsey Grammer are to be admired in the main roles. Initially, however, only in the United States, where the Film celebrates the end of this week’s Premiere.

In Money Plane it is a former gambler, to commit a robbery in a plane. In the Film it is said that the aircraft “was a bullet-proof Casino in the sky, which can be touched by any government authority”. Furthermore, it should be in the plane up to a billion crypto-currencies and million in cash. In Detail, the virtual currencies to a minimum of 241 million dollars in Bitcoin (BTC), US $ 128 million in Ethereum (ETH), US $ 70 million in Ripple (XRP), 13 million dollars in Litecoin (LTC) and an indeterminate amount in Iota (MIOTA) contains.

A step in the direction of the mass adpation?

The visibility of the digital assets in Money plan, however, has little to do with the actual reality of the virtual coins. While there are also numerous criminal activities around crypto-currencies, the true image of the Bitcoins, with its many facets, this representation is not equal to the.

Who wants to deal with crypto-covered film, you can hope on the soon-to-be second Film about the crypto-twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. On the basis of the book’s best-selling Bitcoin Billionaires, it should be here soon, an exciting adaptation of the multi-million dollar entrepreneur.

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Saurabh Singla

Saurabh Singla is a former Mechanical Engineer turned digital marketer. He has been in the digital marketing industry for over 6 years and has worked with clients across different sectors including FanFare, BitMachina, Bayslope amongst others. Saurabh is also an Author and has written over 30 websites for his clients including INC42, Yourstory etc. After founding CaphIQ in 2020, he is helping businesses and Personalities for their Personal Branding and online visibility.

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