
Things you need if you want to set up your own aquarium

Having your own aquarium can not only turn into a great hobby, but it can also help you completely transform your interior design – but only when it’s done right. A well-maintained reef tank can be a great addition to any room – yet finding the perfect balance between making it look great and ensuring that the water conditions are suitable for your fish to thrive in can be quite a complicated task. That’s why choosing the right products right from the beginning is incredibly important as it will help you achieve both of these goals.

What do you need to set up your aquarium?

The right aquarium for your needs

Before anything else, you need to choose your aquarium. When it comes to the size, you need to consider the amount of space in your home that you can sacrifice for this purpose, but do keep in mind that taking care of a small fish tank is not necessarily easier for a beginner. In reality, it’s actually the opposite – in a smaller amount of water, it’ll take less time for the level of pollution to become too high for the water to stay clean and healthy. Generally, for beginners, it’s recommended to get an aquarium of at least 20 Gallons – so if this is going to be your first experience with fishkeeping, try to avoid anything smaller than that.


Clean water not only looks beautiful – your fish won’t be able to survive without it. Once there are too many toxins in the water, they’ll start falling sick quickly. Luckily, with the right filter, you can avoid such issues altogether and Chemiclean cleans stains from red, black, blue-green, and methane (bubble) producing cyanobacteria in marine aquariums. It is completely safe for all fish, corals, invertebrates, and nitrifying bacteria in reef systems. It’s simple, quick, and easy to use. Chemiclean works within 48 hours oxidizing trapped organic sludge and promotes an ideal enzyme balance.


But just because the water in your aquarium is clean, it doesn’t automatically mean that you can simply add your fish into it, and they’ll be alright. The temperature is important as well – each species requires specific living conditions, and you need to make sure that you’re capable of providing them. Yet, it’s not just about getting the water to the desired temperature once – it has to be maintained steadily, and in order to do it, you’ll need a suitable heater.


Unless your aquarium comes with build-in lighting, you need to make sure to find a suitable option for your needs. There are various solutions available on the market depending on what you’re looking for, from incandescent lighting to LED lights for fish tanks – just remember to always check whether your chosen light is suitable for the size and type of your aquarium. Not all of them work the same in different conditions, so never buy lights based on nothing more than the price.


But ensuring optimal conditions is not all you need to do if you want your aquarium to double as an interesting decoration as well – there are various decorations and plants you can choose from to make it look not only beautiful but also unique. When it comes to plants, you can choose between fake and real ones, but if you decide to go with the real ones, always check to make sure whether they are suitable for the same water conditions your fish need.

Without the right equipment, it’ll be impossible to set up your own aquarium and keep it in good condition. Picking the fish species you want to have in your fish tank may be the most interesting part of the process, but it’s definitely not the first thing to do while making the necessary preparations.

June Lisa Calfee

June is an experienced adviser in Blockchain with a successful track record of working in Public Relations and Growth planning. June has been an active advisor for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and a well known author of Blockchain. June has a passion for learning and is Internationally known for her work in crypto industry.

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