Tips For Staying In Touch With Your Customers During COVID-19

The Coronavirus has turned the lives of individuals and businesses upside down. The uncertainty of the situation makes it challenging to manage and run your company. However, it’s no reason to abandon your customers.

The crisis will pass, and businesses will reopen, and you need to be prepared for this reality. The future might look different, but your customers will still expect exceptional service and products. There are a few tips you can apply so that you can stay in touch with your customers during COVID-19 and maintain a reputable company. Now isn’t a time to go silent but a time to embrace the current environment and take control so that you can keep your customers satisfied. 

Be Proactive

It’s a wise time to prioritise client issues and determine what marketing message you want to use. Be proactive and get the conversations started, so there is less confusion and frustration on your customer’s end. Pick up the phone and check in on them to see how they’re doing and ask what questions they have for you. Follow up with those who reach out and have answers prepared that will help eliminate any anxiety.

Connect through Content

Now, more than ever, content is your gateway to staying in touch with your customers during COVID-19. Customers are at home and demanding quality and informative content from businesses. Leave the heavy lifting up to companies like that offer blogger outreach services and can help you connect with customers and reach new audiences. Gain the right kind of exposure for your brand and long-term value through this type of offering.

Use Your Website

Your company website and blog is an excellent way to stay in touch with your customers during the health crisis. You can describe in what ways you’re coping with the situation and how your brand is helping customers navigate the situation. It’s not a wise idea to pretend like all is normal and nothing is happening. Change your marketing and messaging to fit the times and situation and give hope for a brighter future to build even better relationships with your customers. You can also share updates about health and safety measures you’re taking that will protect your customers.

Post Updates & Interact on Social Media

Social media is another medium that will help you to get in better touch with your customers during these uncertain times. Consumers are online more than ever since they can’t leave their homes and will be checking company pages for updates regularly. Even if you don’t have all the answers right now, share what you do know and remind them to check back for further details in the future. 


The last situation you want is for your customers to feel alone and isolated from you. Therefore, use these tips to help you stay in better touch with them throughout COVID-19. Spark and maintain open and honest communication and let your customers know you’re there for them now and when your business opens back up, and more interactions begin to take place.

Apoorv Gupta

Initiating acceleration of solutions Apoorv Gupta (AG) is serial entrepreneur and known for growth hacking, brand management, scalability consulting. He is well conserved in fintech and blockchain space. Monitored and analysed both short and long-term growth plan for startups. Specialties: Investment analysis, competitive analysis, business development & growth marketing.

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