
3 Tips for Staying Calm During Uncertain Times

With so much going on in the world around us, it can be easy to become stressed, anxious, and even depressed. The coronavirus pandemic is sweeping across the globe, forcing millions of people to quarantine at home, follow social distancing guidelines, and possibly file for unemployment if their company closed their doors or had to make the decision to lay workers off. On top of COVID-19 throwing a wrench in our 2020 plans, racial injustices are being brought to light through the Black Lives Matter Movement, with millions of protestors hitting the streets to demand change in many of our structural systems.

All said, remaining calm during these uncertain times can be extremely difficult. Keep reading below for our top three tips for staying calm during periods of uncertainty.

1. Focus on your mental health

A lot is going on right now, which can make it easy to overthink and become stressed. Is my company going to have to shut its doors due to the pandemic? Can I get groceries without getting sick? Why are my friends going to parties and public gatherings when we’re trying to slow the spread? These are just some questions that you may be asking yourself that can make you feel frustrated, anxious, and angry. 

Focusing on your mental health is crucial to protecting your overall health. While there are plenty of ways you can minimize the risk of getting the coronavirus, such as quarantining at home, wearing a facemask, and washing your hands, some things are just out of your control, such as how the economy is performing. Rather than getting fixated on what you don’t have control over, focus on something you can control: your mental health.

Some mental health tips for staying calm during uncertain times include:

  • Avoiding social media: Your social media might be filled with negative news articles and people not following CDC safety guidelines. While social media is a great tool to stay connected when it’s not advised to travel and see friends and family, it can be a major cause of stress. Swap social media for a book, a new Netflix show, or a fun hobby like puzzles or crosswords.
  • Taking CBD: CBD is an excellent natural remedy for combatting stress and anxiety, as it has been proven to help you feel calm and relaxed. CBD can come in many forms. Have you ever tried CBD vape juice? If you smoke cigarettes to relieve anxiety, try vaping CBD juice, as it is less harmful to your body and can help you relax without getting addicted. You can also try CBD gummies or CBD-infused drinks like CBD tea.
  • Talking to a professional: While many doctor offices and mental health clinics are limiting the number of patients they meet in-person or are closed altogether, you can seek professional help from an online therapist. Telehealth is up and coming and can allow you to get the help you need without having to leave your home and risk your health.

These are just some of the ways you can take control of your mental health during uncertain times.

2. Practice yoga

Along with your mental health, it’s important to take care of your physical health to remain calm during times of uncertainty. Yoga is not only great at keeping your body in shape, but it’s also a great mental health exercise. When practicing yoga, make sure to focus on your breathing, taking deep breaths in and exhaling slowly. While stretching in certain poses, allow your thoughts to run through without focusing on one in particular. This can help you let go of the past and accept events and outcomes at face value.

The best thing about yoga is that it is extremely accessible. All you need is a yoga mat and some comfortable athletic clothes, and you’ll be good to go. You can find free online yoga classes or look up simple yoga poses for beginners and start from there.

3. Talk with friends and family virtually

With travel bans in place and local, state, and federal governments urging Americans to stay at home to limit the spread of the coronavirus, you may begin to feel isolated and lonely. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, there are plenty of ways you can connect with friends and family to help you feel calm and at home. Zoom, FaceTime, Skype—these are just some of the many video and phone calling platforms where you can stay in touch with those around you and see the smiling faces of your loved ones from the comfort of your own home. 

Wrapping up

While we may not know when things will return back to normal, there are ways you can stay calm and focus on your well-being while scientists and researchers look for a vaccine. With these three tips, you’ll be able to feel relaxed, calm, and happy.

Astha Singla

Astha is an experienced Content Writer and Blogger in Blockchain, Tech, Fashion and eCommerce field with a successful track record of working in Creative Content Writing, Public Relations and Growth planning.

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