There are a variety of tools available to school administrators and educators that allow them to compare school performance internationally. These include benchmark testing, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and Education GPS created by the OECD.
Benchmark Testing
There are various organisations around the world that can provide schools with standard benchmark tests. These tests are standardised for all schools so that students answer the same test questions, no matter what school they attend or in which country they are based.
Through this testing, a standard result is developed and students are graded according to how well they performed in each set of tests in relation to their proficiency in English, mathematics, and science.
Benchmark testing is a way to ensure that students receive a high level of education, no matter what their background is or where they are situated in the world. Through this testing, schools have been able to pinpoint gaps in their curriculum and help their students to produce better results overall.
TIMSS Encyclopedia
This tool outlines how the subjects of science and mathematics are taught right around the world. The information provided was collated from a curriculum questionnaire that was completed by all the participating schools.
Around 56 countries are represented in the data provided. Each chapter of the encyclopedia can be used to get an in-depth view of how the subjects of maths and science are taught globally.
When you take a deeper dive into the tool, you can find a series of international results in areas such as mathematics, science, advanced mathematics, and physics.
This makes it a valuable resource for school administrators and educators to compare their school’s performance to other schools both nationally and internationally.
Education GPS
This valuable resource allows educators to view country reports and analyse results and data nationally and internationally. Data is available for over 80 countries around the world. Data reports include those related to an overview of the education system, student performance assessments, and teacher conditions in each particular country.
It’s also possible for educators to explore different areas of data in relation to a series of topics such as special needs, socio-economic status, migrant background, learning environments, and vocational education and training.
Another important aspect of this tool is that educators can review the different education policies that are used by schools in different countries as well as in their own country.
This section of the tool covers a wide variety of educational areas such as finance and funding, learning environments, the professional development of teachers, and school leadership development.
In Summary
There are numerous tools available to school administrators and educators that are used universally to compare school performance internationally.
These tools include data from benchmark testing as well as online educational resources in all areas of education including administration, teacher proficiencies, and student performance.
These tools allow educators to compare schools from around the globe to see how they differ from their own schools. These immense resources are an important step toward creating a higher level of education for all students right around the world.