
Kadena gets about 480,000 transactions per second


Scalability is one of the most important issues facing the criptomonedas. That is why, more and more projects Blockchain focus on trying to give a solution to this problem. Improving the capacity of the criptoactivos, and therefore opening the doors to its mass. And among these projects that are striving for a greater scalability is Kadena, criptomoneda who gets the of 480,000 transactions per second, as announced in the Tweet of the day:

Kadena and transactions in Blockchain

The scalability is not a minor issue for the crypto world. On the contrary, it could be argued easily that is the biggest problem facing the criptomonedas in order to increase its adoption. Therefore, in these moments, when a transaction in the main criptomonedas as Ethereum or Bitcoin you can take in the run up to half an hour. It is not viable to think about in the criptoactivos as a replacement for the fiat money.

And is that, when we go to purchase goods and services, we need our payments are made immediately or within a few seconds, as occurs with fiat money. For this reason, multiple projects such as Binance Chain or Tron, work hard to improve its scalability. Offering very fast trades at low prices. While the virtual currency Kadena within this group of projects.

Kadena gets about 480,000 transactions per second, and this is reflected in its price. Source: CoinMarketCap
Kadena gets about 480,000 transactions per second, and this is reflected in its price. Source: CoinMarketCap

So, through the Twitter account of Kadena, has been informed to the crypto community that it has finished an update on its Blockchain. Which has allowed him to increase the speed of your transactions, reaching the incredible figure of 480,000 transactions per second:

“The hybrid platform #Kadena reaches a figure leader in the industry of 480,000 transactions per second! Kadena has completed his update of 10 strings 20 strings in the first Blockchain #PoW layer-1 #blockchain fragmented and scalable“.

This would be an important milestone for the project created by researchers from JP Morgan. Which shows the impressive progress being made in terms of scalability, and that could strongly contribute to the massification of the criptoactivos.

June is an experienced adviser in Blockchain with a successful track record of working in Public Relations and Growth planning. June has been an active advisor for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and a well known author of Blockchain. June has a passion for learning and is Internationally known for her work in crypto industry.

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