If something got the criptomonedas and technology, Blockchain, has been to demonstrate to governments around the world that it is possible to create coins totally virtual. Why already the major powers of the world are developing their own virtual currencies of government. Which leads to the analyst of the market, Scott Melker, to affirm in the Tweet the day that all the money will be virtual in the future, which will benefit Bitcoin:
The virtual currency is the future
There is No doubt that the governments of the world do not like the criptomonedas. On several occasions leaders of the major powers have expressed their rejection of Bitcoin and other criptoactivos. Reaching ban on several occasions its use as money. What does not prevent that all governments are aware of the need to manage the technology Blockchain.
Thus, for countries such as China, Russia and the united States, the training of experts on chains of blocks has become a national priority. In an attempt to gain an advantage over the other countries in the International System. Launching innovative products such as virtual currencies government before their rivals, with all the economic benefits and technology that goes with it.

For this reason, for the crypto influencer Scott Melker, all money will be virtual in the near future, something that will greatly benefit Bitcoin. Therefore, according to the analyst, the end of cash and the total digitization of money will bring the end of privacy in financial transactions. What will push millions of people to use the criptomonedas as a mechanism to maintain your privacy from the government.
“Almost all of the money will be virtual in the very near future. Once the central banks to move away from the cash, the privacy will be extinguished and the people attend mass to Bitcoin. This is our way“.
You have reason Melker with respect to the future virtual money. We can expect that the adoption of the criptomonedas will increase gradually in the years to come. Benefiting from this way not only Bitcoin but all crypto market.
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